Monday 16 December 2013

First Shoot

First Shoot

Last week we shot the running scene which involves the main character jogging around the streets and training to improve his fighting skills to be able to fight at the end of the Music video. The takes that we shot were very successful because I felt we organised ourselves and planned which shots were need to be taken. Nevertheless, whilst at the location i thought of some interesting shots which included using the camera to focus on an object blurring the character and then focusing on the character half way through then take. I feel this was successful as it added a different dimension to the scene making it more interesting for the viewers.

Also to help us in the editing side of the Music video we shot longer shots so we had more room to cut and play with which is important as it may force you to retake some scenes. Also we also shot the scenes numerous of times and in different locations so we had more shots than necessary for insurance as not all the footage may look good in the editing stage.

Above is a short video of what the location we shot the footage at looked like. As a group we thought about which location would best suit this scene as we could have shot it at a gym however we decided to shoot it on the streets in a working class area to show that the character isn't wealthy and is trying to do the best he can do with the resources he has. The location we chose to shoot at was Lovel Avenue as we decided we wanted the surrounding houses to be attached as detached houses seem to be in more of a wealthy area.

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