Tuesday 18 March 2014

Shoot 6

Shoot 6

Shoot 6 was the final fighting scene when the main character sees his childhood bully in an alley way and turns into a fight. this scene will feature at the end of the music video as a result of all the training the main character has done throughout his life. The location that we chose had positive and negative aspects to it. The positive points were that it looked very genuine and fitted in nicely with the theme of our music video. However, we had an issue with the lighting as it was under a bridge and from some shots we found it hard to see the characters faces which was important for us as we wanted to focus on the scar of the bully to show continuity. However, sometimes this worked in our favour as from the image above you can see that the lighting complimented the scene and made the main character stand out as the protagonist.
The fight scene that we shot was choreographed beforehand so the actors knew what they were doing rather than improvised. It was better this way as we found that improvising a fight scene the person getting hit was reacting fast enough as they didn't know what the other person was going to do. Also to make the fight scene more realistic we decided to use fake blood which was a mixture of golden syrup, red food colouring and water to get the right consistency. We also added a scar using Rigid Collodion to the antagonist to show it was the same person from the beginning of the music video. Both  pieces of makeup we used came out well on camera and improved the video.
When filming the fight scene we made sure that we got a variety of shots to make the video more interesting. This was very helpful as when this was in editing we came up with the idea of putting some of the fighting in slow motion which looked better in different shots than others. We will have to come back to this location again as we was running out of light and the battery went on the camera therefore we still have to shoot the CCTV scene which we are planning to do. The CCTV scene will show the same fight scene but just from a different angle and perspective which will show voyeurism which is part of Andrew Goodwin's theory.

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